Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Question

Our essay question is going to be posted tomorrow as I have a little conflict with one little detail. Do not worry, I am going to give an extra day to complete the essays, which would mean that they will not be due until Monday, Sept. 22. Lots and lots of time. 

Anyone interested in a prize? Make a comment to this post between now and tomorrow (lots of extensions tonight!) and I (my kids) will pick a winning number to be announced on Monday morning. 

Did you begin studying your USA maps? I hope so. You will have a quiz on this soon so don't wait until the last minute. Look in the sidebars for a link to some games to practice.

Mrs. Spotts


ajbuck1 said...

yay no essay for a week! cool!

aryanazizian said...

its past my bedtime.

Mark E. said...

aryan axaizznnananx stays up to late

MattMunn said...


James Song said...


kevin yoshiki said...

ninja XP

Mrs. Spotts said...

I am glad you are not all disappointed. ;) Have you tried the States games over there in the links area? Check it out. If you play that first link, you will find out how "smart" you are.

ashley.s said...

hi Mrs. Spotts :]

Mrs. Spotts said...

Hi Ashley.

E R I C said...

alright thats tight. Its kinda funny how Im a Junior, and my brothers in 8th and were both being tested on the states right now. He quized me lol

But Mrs. Spotts I was a bit confused...its either all or nothing, but you said we can retake it. Lets pretend its 50 points total for a 50/50. IF we fail it 4 times in a row, does that mean we lose 200 points?? Please explain

anthony [A-LO] losada said...

k cool

tmayo said...

sweet! no essay.

ashley.s said...

Mrs. Spotts im confused on the hw, what do we do with the maps just study them?

chris N said...

what's up?

Jonathan K. said...


Savanna M said...

wait mrs spotts you wrote essays, we have more than one to write?!?

Hunter Babcock said...

ballin!!! i'm down for a prize!!
i hope its a billy joel album!!

kai said...

nobody likes billy joel

Janelle C. said...

pick me. =)

Mrs. Spotts said...

Ok, first of all, it is "essay" not "essays", I just meant that lots of essay"s" will be coming my way from all of you...sorry for the confusion. Next, study the map of the USA, that is all. It will be part of our quiz when we have it. (probably Wed) And finally, about the points of the map quiz. It will be 15 points total. All or nothing. So, lets say you took it and got 25 states wrong, you will receive a 0. Then you retake it and get 29 states correct. Still, a 0. Then you retake it and get 50. That is 15 points for you, which would be in that ONE column that I would create for that quiz, there is not negative effect to having to take it over and over, except that you will have to do it on your own time at lunch or snack. Is that clear enough Eric? (and let your brother try the games in the links here, he will like it, you can try to beat his time for fun!) Finally, no Billy Joel albums, sorry, though I could probably dig up a real album of husband has boxes of them. I lived in CD and cassette tape times. (my hubby is old.)

annettekim said...

hey guys :D

Mrs. Spotts said...

Hey Annette!

E R I C said...

Yup I got it. Not too band but my brother actaully showed me a bunch of games! Thank you I understand.

And Hunter your weird

And Im having trouble uploading a photo of myseeeelllf!!!


taytress said...

yesss! thanks Mrs.Spotts! and feel free to make the essay due even later than that :] haha

jisoohan said...

Ninja :)

chris N said...

i was here

Smiller said...

o well. at least i won't b as busy nowww

Ashlie.W. said...

dang i need to go to bed like soon

Min R. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Min R. said...

Sweet, we get extra day

Cameron S. said...

hey just posting one cuz u wanted me to

Unknown said...

hola~ :D

Hayato said...

Hello and Good Night

kevin yoshiki said...

ninja power!

dominickkk said...

i was absent :(

RachelS said...


NatalieBullock said...


Hunter Babcock said...

regarding "kai":
billy joel is 5th highest selling artist of all time.

somebody must like billy joel

Julia Cheng said...

haha~~ no Hw on the weekend~sweet!!

d.vargas said...

hey Mrs. Spotts :)
i heard that you are crazy about the twilight series..wellll the first South High news paper will have an interesting article you may like so be sure to read :)

Mrs. Spotts said...

What kind of article? I am intrigued. My students introduced me to Twilight and I quickly (like everyone else) got addicted. I even read "The Host" while waiting for the most recent book to come out.

I am off to walk my doggie. Hope you are all having a good weekend so far.

kevin yoshiki said...

sorry to say you guys
but i think twilight is a poorly written book.
no offense.
but thats what i think.
-ninja xD

Matt G said...


Mrs. Spotts said...

Oh Kevin! We do not need a well written book for a nice story. I mean, it's not like it's the kind of book that will make the SHS Summer Reading List, but for a easy, relaxing, and fun book, it was good. So what if it is pretty sick that a girl would want to become a killer of (maybe humans) cute little bambi or an innocent bear roaming its forest? I suppose what makes this author popular is her ability to make the readers (who like the book) want this girl to do all those things, and they wouldn't even mind if she "had" to kill a few people while she was "young".

But I will say Kevin, I appreciate your critique, since it is honest, and actually pretty true. BUT I still love the story. And totally enjoyed reading them.