Whew. This is a lot for after class. But there is more. If you did not post in the comment section of yesterday's post, do so after you finish reading this. That is the post right below this one. FINALLY...one more thing. You need to complete your homework. The two things are: 1. your Columbus pictures and 2. your Student Timelines (due Thurs.)
Have a great afternoon and evening. I will see everyone tomorrow!
Mrs. Spotts
Hi it is Rachel S!
how can you use macs?!?!
hi~~ this is Julia C!!
hey its tamekia
uhh this is kenny...hi
hi :]
hi, andrew
Hi this is Jonathan Kim.
this is savannah kneale from 4th period :)
john notaro
snow skiing
Mark Falls
hello :)
hello :]
hi, Chris Castile
hey it cameron. finally figured out how to use this
Hey its Savanna McCarthy! :)
Hi it's Sarah M.. I had alrdy seen this but just wanted to say hi
hello ppl.
ninja. :)
hello ^^
i finally figured it out!
hi :D
hey,what up GANGSTER'S, wheres the essay topic
Hello everyone
hi !
where is the ESSAY TOPIC!@
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