Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Interview comments

Hi everyone, I have briefly looked at a few of your interviews but have not yet watched ALL of them! We will highlight some in class as we get time. Thanks for trying to use technology for this interview project. It was/is a learning experience for all of us. As we (teachers) are encouraged to integrate more and more technology into our classes, I figured this would be a fun way to get you online and begin posting your work online. As time moves, I am sure we will only get better and better. And more comfortable. 

So, here is a bit of my father's immigration story for you. He was born in Indonesia to a wealthy father and mother. My grandmother was French Indonesian and my grandfather was Dutch Indonesian.  During this time Indonesia was struggling for independence from their foreign rulers, the Dutch. My father tells how the people really hated his family and it became harder and harder to go out without endangering their lives. I have pictures of my dad in a dress with his personal nanny, all in front of the huge mansion. My dad does not remember this time as he was too small. His parents took the family to Holland to live. There, they were considered to be Indonesian and again were not fully accepted. While most of the family money was lost in the move...their wealth was mostly in land, which they obviously couldn't take with them. My grandfather had dreamed of moving to America so he put his family on the lottery system. This worked under a quota system as we have discussed in class. Every year a certain number of people were chosen to immigrate to America. After 11 years of waiting and hoping they finally were able to move here. They went through New York to then cross the country to get to Venice, California. 

My dad was put into St. Monica's in Santa Monica. No one spoke Dutch so he and his siblings had no choice but to learn English. But his parents were not as quick to learn. My father took great advantage of this as he ditched class to nap in his neighbors houses as they were away at work. He wrote notes and tricked his parents into signing them to excuse him from school. It took almost two years for everyone to catch on and for him to get kicked out of his high school. He was happy about this as he then could attend Venice High with his "hot" neighbor. (ends up being my mother) He succeeded (mostly because he got my mom to do all his homework for him) and went on to marry and have two WONDERFUL children. wink wink. 

Alright, enough for now, hope you have a good night. See you tomorrow. Don't forget we will have an immigration quiz on Friday.

Mrs. Spotts 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Interviews here...

Hi everyone! You can post your interview links to the comment area of this post. Remember, you can email your links as well. The interviews are due on Dec. 1, any time before midnight. 

Have a happy Thanksgiving! 

Mrs. Spotts

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Clever funny

Hi all (three of you who are checking here!) I am figuring that I might add some pizzaz here for the sake of getting more of you to check every day. So, to start, just something frivolous for the last of my two prizes. (the handful of peppermint patties, OR the fabulous locker mirror!) 

 Add a link to a political cartoon about immigration (past or present) to the comments section of this post. I will pick a name from whoever does this for the first choice of these really outstanding prizes!

Starting tomorrow I will have another contest, but this time it will be for some extra credit points. You will have to gather all your friends together for this one so be ready. I will post the directions tomorrow to the little game. 

Now, just to remind you of our class today, we worked on political cartoons that gave a look into the opinions of people at the turn of the Century on this topic. Which was your favorite? Be ready to get your drawing arm to work tomorrow as we will be making our own cartoons in class. 

Mrs. Spotts

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hunter...take II

Hi Hunter! You out there? 

Ok all, we are on Immigration at the turn of the 2oth Century. You should know why the people were coming. Where they were coming from. How they came. And finally, what they did once they got here. 

Vocabulary for the day (something new for you!) Quotas, tenement houses, pogroms

Alright. I am sure you need to get back to America's Next Top Model, or something equally as interesting. ;)

Til tomorrow!

Mrs. Spotts

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hi Hunter!

Ok, since Hunter is the only one reading this as far as I can tell, maybe I should just personalize this to be just for you! ;)

I said I was going to write, so here I go.

Do you have any ideas for your immigration interview?  If you are interested, I have seven students in my Third Period that have been in the United States for less than a year. You are more than welcome to come in and claim one to interview! 

Now, can you remember how many people immigrated to the United States during the world's largest mass movement in history? Whoever can post the answer to this first can have a choice of the following (fabulous) prizes! 1. locker mirror (gotta look fab at all times people!) 2. handful of peppermint patties (as many as you can grab!) 3. the rest of the bag of Hershey's Kisses, depends on how many I eat as I am writing this! 

Good day to all, do your homework, be nice to your parents, complete your chores, and sleep well! ;)

Mrs. Spotts

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ladies are in the House!!! ;)

Ok, are you getting sick of that? I didn't think so. So I will continue. (wink)

You should have completed your Bill of Rights study cards with explanations and pictures. There are ten in all. (but you would know this...right?)

Our study of the Constitution is coming to an end, but be sure that you put your time in to study this as it will continue to come up through this class, in your Gov classes next year, and of course, throughout your life as you enjoy the rights you have as Americans. (can you hear that background music? I think it is the Star Spangled Banner!) 

I hope everyone has a safe and productive/restful/fun weekend.

Mrs. Spotts

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hi Ladies!

Your test is graded. Please check your grades on Parent Connect. I will do make ups for those absent and therefore I do not pass back scantrons. 

As we are discussing our Constitution, be forewarned that our next quiz will cover what we are studying, AND will include memorizing the Bill of Rights, that is the first ten Amendments. If you need a head start to memorize, make your study cards now!!